Wednesday, March 4, 2015

College studying tip's

Today lant to share some ways that I study for exams. This way may not work for everyone this is just what works for me. Share some of your studying tips in the comments I would love to hear them. Till next time.......Assalmualkium.

1.Be organized. If you don't have any organized space /place to work your thoughts and you will be running all over the place. Set/take out everything you need to study.

2. Print out your study guide. If you instructor provides you with a study guide....USE IT! A study guide gives you an outline of place/what to study and it helps to bring you in where you need to be so your not study all over the place.

3.Snacks on hand. I think its good to have snacks on hand but healthy ones. Like pretzels, fruit, crackers, etc. I like to have my pretzels or apple with peanut butter or dark chocolate. I gives you a nice boast of energy.

4. Plan out what to study on which days.As you may see on the picture where I circled at that it says Thursday. What I do is take my study guide see what I need to study and estimate how much time I need to study that subject matter. I plan my studying based on how many days I have until the test so that each day I'm doing something until the test.

5. Write a summary for each chapter. When I'm reading the chapter s I write a summary for each section in that chapter. At the end of the chapter I have a summary of the whole chapter and I staple the pages together. When its time to study that chapter I reread the summary. Now in the back of my chapters I have outline summary that they give you of what was in the chapter. I use that also to review each chapter.

6.Use color. Write in color,highlight in color, and note take in color. If you use a different color for each chapter it helps with remembering where you saw something. I guess this may only work if your a visual learner but I don't know. I'm a little ocd about color coding.

 7. Review notes. Just has it say review ALL notes you have taken.

8. Ask teacher what to expect on the test. There is no harm in asking what to look forward to on the test. There being paid to teach and help you learn the subject matter so use them. My teacher told us 'I love it when you guys ask me questions because its my job to answer them'.

9. Watch videos. YouTube has videos on almost every subject matter. I like to do this before going to class as well so I have an idea of what to do or what is to come. If you couldn't get the help from your teacher try watching a video it might just help you..

10. Ask yourself or have someone ask you questions. If you make some questions based on the subject you are doing or something you read it helps with your understanding. Turn a statement into a question. A website I use to help keep track of my questions and to see other peoples questions on the subject matter is
It gives you the ability to make questions and study them all in the same place. They even have it where you can take a test with the questions you its most of it is free and as a college study you know free is best. There is also other sites like,studyshack and

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